
Retirement Planning

Saving for retirement can be a daunting task, but with a sound strategy, it's well within reach. hashomesltd.com is here to bring clarity to retirement planning and set you on your path to success. Here you'll better understand your options and find the right investment.

If you had the chance to double-or even quadruple-your retirement savings, you'd probably jump at that opportunity, right? Well, there's one simple change you can make today that's sure to boost your retirement savings.

Retirement planning involves determining retirement income goals and what's needed to achieve those goals. Retirement planning includes identifying income sources, sizing up expenses, implementing a savings program, and managing assets and risk. Future cash flows are estimated to gauge whether the retirement income goal is possible.

Retirement Plans

  • Traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

  • Roth Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

  • SIMPLE Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

  • Employer-Sponspored Plans

You can start at any time, but it works best if you factor it into your financial planning as early as possible. That's the best way to ensure a safe, secure-and fun-retirement. The fun part is why it makes sense to pay attention to the serious and perhaps boring part: planning how you'll get there.

The non-financial aspects include lifestyle choices such as how to spend time in retirement, where to live, and when to quit working altogether, among other things. A holistic approach to retirement planning considers all these areas.

How Much Do You Need to Retire?

Remember that retirement planning starts long before you retire. The general rule is the sooner you start, the better. Your magic number, which is the amount you need to retire comfortably, is highly personalized. But there are numerous rules of thumb that can give you an idea of how much to save.